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 1. Graeme Dobell  China and Taiwan in the South Pacific  Policy Brief Launch 
 2. Jaushieh Joseph Wu  Taiwan and its Unique Relations with the US and China  Yale University 
 3. Cato Institute  America's Upcoming War With China: A Collision Course Over Taiwan  Cato Institute Book Forum 
 4. Fahamu  China in Africa: A new colonialism or South-South solidarity?  Pambazuka News 
 5. Fahamu  China in Africa: A new colonialism or South-South solidarity?  Pambazuka News 
 6. Night Rally  South Pacific Pt. II  The Elegant Look of New (mp3) 
 7. Zinc  South Pacific  Trackitdown Preview Download 
 8. Night Rally  South Pacific Part II  Preston Family Crest 
 9. Original Cast  South Pacific Overture  South Pacific 
 10. Original Cast  South Pacific Overture  South Pacific 
 11. Cynthia Dale  Some Enchanted Evening [From South Pacific]  Enchanted 
 12. Graeme Dobell  Aust, South Pacific leaders reach temporary truce on seasonal workers  The World Today - October 27 
 13. Murray Bell and Alan Aitken  061112 South China Morning Post  South China Morning Post 
 14. Carnegie Endowment for Internal Peace  Taiwan Relations Act  Carnegie Endowment Podcast 
 15. Dmae Roberts  Temple in Taiwan  Stories1st.org 
 16. Bill Creata  Protest In Taiwan  Bill Creata 5 Minute Podcast 
 17. Don Tennant  Taiwan's Blame Game  Computerworld Editor's Note 
 18. Graham Holland  Show 12 - Taiwan Special  It's A Frog's Life Acoustic Podcast 
 19. Bill Creata  Taiwan Protest March Pt 2  Bill Creata 5 Minute Podcast 
 20. Daniel Mermet  La Chine et Taïwan - répondeur  En Inde, musiques - 27 janv 04 
 21. Gary Bembridge  Taipei, Taiwan (Tips for Travellers 30)  Tips for Travellers (Global Travel Destination Podcast) 
 22. Bill Creata  Taiwan March for Civil Rights  Bill Creata 5 Minute Podcast 
 23. CMC Media  Offshore Development after a 7.1 Earthquake in Taiwan  The Crossroads 
 24. Dr Malcolm Cook  Korea and Taiwan: Democratic change's strategic implications  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 25. Nancy Guy  Hearing the Future: Twenty Years of Listening to Popular Music in Taiwan   
 26. Thomas Gold, Sociology, UC Berkeley  Twenty Years after State and Society in the Taiwan Miracle: Author's Retrospective  UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 
 27. CMC Media  CM Today Includes Offshore Muliti-site Development after a 7.1 Earthquake in Taiwan   
 28. April 2006  1490 WNDV/South Bend, IN & 1580 WDND/South Bend, IN  Contributor: Lou Pickney 
 29. Zodiac  Pacific  Disco Alliance: Music In The Universe  
 30. Collider  pacific  Binary 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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